Photos without names trouble me. Their faces seem to haunt me, to call to me, asking me to give them a name and tell their stories. My hope is that by sharing this un-named photos that someone will recognize the couple, help me identify them and hopefully I can then find and tell their story.

This picture intrigues me. Although I can’t be for sure,  I suspect it is from my Grandma Ganus’s family, so possibly a Mickelsen or Cornum??

It is an interesting background and I wonder what the pattern is on the right side. It almost looks like it is suppose to be a plant, yet so little of it shows in the picture, so what’s the point of it?

The real question is, just what is the significance of the lady holding the album open? (And where is that album now???!!!)  Maybe I’ve watched too many movies, but I almost feel like she is trying to tell me something.

Whoever they are, I would love to be able to save their name with their picture and better yet, learn a little about their story. Do you know them?

Copyright © Michelle G. Taggart 2016, All rights reserved
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14 thoughts on “Foto Friday- What Is the Message?

  1. I think I've read somewhere about open albums in old photos. I can't remember though. Pictures of people who recently died? I would ask Maureen Taylor – surely she will know what it might mean.

    As for the floral background, I would not read anything into it other than for dating purposes. Such backgrounds of vines and columns were popular in the 19th century.

  2. I will have to look into that. Someone flipped that photo album upside down for me (why didn't I think of that?) and it is 2 men!

    When things aren't balanced, they bother me and that background definitely isn't!

  3. Michelle, have you looked at the men in the album? Are they individuals you recognize–maybe? Are there any family resemblances between the two in the photo and your known ancestors? It's an interesting photo, to be sure. Good luck finding more about those two.

  4. I've looked at it flipped upside down and I still didn't recognize them. It's really a mystery, but maybe someday I will figure it out. It just kills me that I have this wonderful picture of someone, but have no idea who.

  5. I really haven't. One thing I don't understand about doing that is how we account for those who were poor and may not have worn things that were very up to date. I really do need to learn more about that though. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Do you maybe have a couple who lost two grown sons? Maybe even within a short time? Perhaps the mom is holding their photos. Pretty sure they are photos of deceased loved ones, though.

  7. Part of my problem Dana is that grandma had this little suitcase with a few photos in it. I have identified a few, but hers and Grandpas were all thrown in together, so I don't know which of the four lines this couple is from, although I suspect hers. Cropping the photo and flipping it upside down, the two appear to be older men, so I even wondered about it being both of their fathers????? I really have no clue, but if I were to guess, I would guess they were deceased as well. I will have to keep in mind the possibility of it being grown sons though too because I had not considered that and it makes more sense.

  8. Maybe you can share a photo of it flipped over & upside down? Hope you are able to solve this family mystery.

    My dad's side of the family has tons of photos, but thankfully they're all labeled! But, my mom's side only has a few photos. Most are labeled, but there are a few that we still aren't sure about. And, like you, those come with the problem of which side of my mom's family they are from.

    Best wishes as you work on solving this family photo mystery!

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